
H P D e s k J e t 6 9 0 C S e r i e s P r i n t e r s U s i n g t h e P r i n t e r D r i v e r
Setup Property Page
Setup Property Page Options
Option Description
ColorSmart (see
Automatic vs.
Manual Printing
Permits selection of Automatic or Manual screen-to-printer color
mapping. Automatic (recommended) selects the best Halftoning,
Intensity and Color Control settings for all areas of your document.
Selecting Manual permits opening the Options dialog box which provides
adjustments for Intensity and Halftoning, and allows selection of two
types of Color Control.
Print In Grayscale
(see Grayscale
Printing which
Prints different colors as shades of gray. Has both Automatic
(recommended) and Manual modes. Selecting Manual permits opening
the Options dialog box which provides adjustments for Intensity and
Halftoning. The Grayscale mode may be used to produce photocopying
documents or to save the color cartridge when printing draft copies.
Print Quality Best (presentation quality), Normal (letter quality), or EconoFast (draft
ICM (Independant
Color Matching)
Improves consistency between the printer and other color devices
connected to your system.
Default Saves the current settings as the default settings for the printer.
Help Opens the online help.
OK Accepts changes.
Cancel Cancel changes.
Apply Applies the settings only to document to be printed. Does not change the
default settings.