
H P D e s k J e t 6 9 0 C S e r i e s P r i n t e r s U s i n g t h e P r i n t e r D r i v e r
Grayscale Printing
ColorSmart also allows printing color documents in monochrome with
discernible shades of gray. Pages with grayscale images can be
photocopied or faxed on a monochrome device and retain their full
meaning and impact.
Grayscale printing is also faster than color printing and is ideal for printing
draft copies.
To print in grayscale, select Automatic and the Print in Grayscale
option in the ColorSmart dialog box.
Setup Dialog Box with “Automatic” and “Print in Grayscale”
Selecting Manual with Print in Grayscale selected, allows access to
the Option dialog box which provides control over intensity and