The name that appears in the Name text box depends on the following conditions:
If a saved custom paper size has been selected from the drop-down menu on the Paper/Quality
tab, then the Name text box shows the name of the selected custom paper size.
If a standard paper size has been selected on the Paper/Quality tab, then the Name text box
shows the default name of "Custom."
If a new name has been typed into the Name text box for the purpose of saving a new size or
renaming an existing size, then that new name will remain in the text box until the new size is saved
or the dialog box is closed.
If you type a new name into the Name text box, but then do not click Save, you can change the width
and height values without losing the name. However, if you close the dialog box without clicking Save,
any unsaved name or size values are lost without warning.
Paper size
The width and height values can be changed by typing numeric strings into the edit boxes in the Paper
Size group box.
Any entry that is greater than the maximum limits of the width and height control is rounded down to the
maximum valid entry, while any entry that is smaller than the minimum limits of the width and height
control is rounded up to the minimum valid entry.
If units are in millimeters, the custom paper-size range minimum is the limit rounded up to the nearest
whole millimeter. The custom paper-size range maximum is the limit rounded down to the nearest whole
millimeter. Any non-numerical entry reverts to the last valid entry. Width and height entries are validated
when the focus has changed.
The resolution of each control is 1 millimeter or 1/10 of an inch, depending on the current measurement
To change measurement units, click one of the options in the Units group box (either Inches or
Custom width and height control limits
The minimum paper size for the HP Color LaserJet CP6015 Series product is 98.6 x 139.7 mm (3.9 x
5.5 in) and the maximum is 320 x 457.2 mm, or 915 mm for banner printing(12.6 x 18 inches, or 36
inches for banner printing). The following table summarizes paper size limits for each paper-handling
Table 4-1 PCL 6 custom paper sizes
Tray Dimensions Minimum Maximum
Tray 1 (100-sheet
Width 98.6 mm (3.9 in) 320 mm (12.6 in)
Length 139.7 mm (5.5 in) 457.2 mm (18.0 in)
915 mm (36.0 in) for banner
Tray 2 (500-sheet) Width 148.0 mm (5.83 in) 297 mm (11.7 in)
Length 210.0 mm (8.26 in) 432 mm (17.0 in)
166 Chapter 4 HP PCL 6 Print Driver for Windows ENWW