
International Color Consortium profiles
HP provides cyan-magenta-yellow-black (CMYK) (HPCP6015C.ICM) and standard red-green-blue
(sRGB) (HPCP6015R.ICM) International Color Consortium (ICC) profiles with the HP Color LaserJet
CP6015 Series product. The CMYK profile can only be used with a postscript driver; the sRGB profile
can be used with any of the HP Color LaserJet CP6015 Series print drivers. The profiles are available
at the following HP Web site:
The ICC profiles describe the way color will be interpreted in the default CMYK and RGB modes. These
profiles can be used for color conversions in a color-managed workflow. The sRGB profile matches the
default RGB mode (sRGB), which is enabled with the Default (sRGB) or Color setting in either a PCL
or postscript driver. The product interprets CMYK data according to the Specifications for Web Offset
Publications (SWOP) simulation when Default CMYK+ is the selected CMYK Color setting in the
postscript driver, and a more accurate SWOP rendering can be produced by selecting the SWOP setting.
This standard defines how a particular set of CMYK ink colors should behave. Emulation for Dainippon
Press (DIC) and Euro-standard CMYK inks used in Asia and Europe are also available and can be
selected from the print driver.
34 Chapter 2 Software description ENWW