
By responding to the Enter Request: message in the DS73 Status & Diagnostics Menu with “X” (Exit), you will exit
the DS73 Status & Diagnostics Menu. The DS73 peripheral module will respond with the following:
> X
5.1.6 LOGOUT
By responding to the Enter Request: message in the DS73 Main Menu with “T” (Logout), you will terminate your
TELNET connection. The DS73 peripheral module will respond with a message similar to the following:
Device A (2,1).................... 1
Device B (2,2).................... 2
Device C (2,3).................... 3
Device D (2,4).................... 4
Device A (3,1).................... 5
Device B (3,2).................... 6
Device C (3,3).................... 7
Device D (3,4).................... 8
Immediate Data Collection ............... I
Configure ............................... C
Manual Connection ....................... M
Unit Reset .............................. R
Module Status ........................... S
Logout .................................. T
<Your ‘TELNET’ connection has been terminated>