
You will receive two EPROMs (chips with label A & B) for each module to be upgraded.
The materials you will need to supply are:
Phillips-head screwdriver
IC DIP extractor or a pair of curved needle-nose pliers
1. IMPORTANT: Remove power from the unit by depressing the power switch on the front of the unit to OFF.
Also remove power cord from the AC outlet.
2. Remove the appropriate module by loosening the 2 straight slot screws that attach the connector board I/O
module to the chassis and then pulling the module out.
3. Refer to Section 16 (Mechanical Layout) and locate sockets U7 and U6.
4. Note carefully how the existing EPROMs are installed in the sockets. Remove the existing EPROMs from
sockets U7 and U6 with IC extractor or needle-nose pliers. Gradually loosen each side of the chip,
alternating pliers from side to side. Do not bend the pins on the EPROMs. Pull the loosened EPROM all the
way out.
5. Install the new EPROMs into sockets U7 and U6.
a. The EPROMs should be placed to the rear of the sockets. The vacant pin receptacles of the socket are
adjacent to the notch on the socket. Insure that the notch of the EPROM and the notch on the socket face
the same direction.
b. Install the “B” EPROM into socket U7(see the label on the EPROM). The “B” EPROM can be identified
with either a DS73-B or DS73TP-B.
c. Install the “A” EPROM into socket U6(see the label on the EPROM). The “A” EPROM can be identified
with either a DS73-A or DS73TP-A.
d. Be careful not to bend any of the pins. Insure that none of the pins miss the receptacles of the sockets.
6. Re-install the DS73 and apply power to the unit. The upgrade is now complete. Before you begin
operations, check the configuration status to make certain it matches your application.