Administering the Kerberos Server
General Tab (Principal Information Window)
Chapter 8 141
Principal Expiration Displays the principal expiration
time, which indicates when the
current logon privileges of the
principal expire.
Enter one of the following options in
the Principal Expiration box:
• A date and time in the format
• The keyword Never, which
indicates that the principal does
note expire.
Maximum Ticket Lifetime Sets the maximum ticket lifetime for a
principal. The time must not exceed
the corresponding ticket lifetime set
for the realm, as controlled by the
krbtgt/REALM@REALM principal.
Maximum Renew Time Sets the maximum renewal time for
each individual principal. You must
specify a time that does not exceed the
corresponding renewal time set for the
To restrict the issuance of renewable
tickets, uncheck the Allow
Renewable option on the Principal
Information window>Attributes tab.
You must not enter a renewal time of
0 (zero) seconds. If you enter 0 seconds
for the Maximum Renew Time field in
the General tab and click OK or
Apply, the following warning
message is displayed:
Invalid Field Entry
Table 8-8 General Tab Components (Continued)
Field Name Description