Configuration Worksheet
Appendix A 313
Base DN for search The default base DN for search is the root of
the directory tree on the Directory server,
where the Kerberos server searches for
kerberos principals.
Example: ou=people, o=bambi.com
Default Principal
Subtree DN
The default principal subtree DN is where
all Kerberos principals are added by
default, if no LDAP entry is specified while
creating the kerberos principal. The default
principal subtree DN must be located under
the default base DN for search.
Example: ou=accounts,
Proxy user DN The distinguished name of the proxy user, if
Example: cn=proxyuser, ou=speical
users o=bambi.com
Certificate db path The location of the database that contains
the certificates for your client.
Example: /.netscape
Table A-2 Configuration Worksheet Explanation (Continued)
LDAP Server Configuration Worksheet