connecting to direct terminals, 32 - 33
connecting to tree terminals, 34
list, 29, 65
numbers, 11
opening, 29, 64
query closure, 64 - 65
scanning, 65
scanning a range of, 36 - 37
scanning switchbox, 45, 66
selecting, 29
bank 0 channels, 32
bank 1 channels, 32
channels, 16, 29, 33 - 35, 63
FETs, 34, 69
tree isolation switches, 12, 68
*CLS, 76
Command Reference, 53 - 78
abbreviated, 54
IEEE 488.2, 53, 76
implied, 54
keyword, 54
linking, 55
optional, 54
optional parameters, 55
parameters, 55
quick reference, 77
scanning switchbox channels, 45 - 46
SCPI, 53
SCPI format, 53
separator, 54
types, 53
Comment sheet, reader, 9
bank, 12
terminals, 12
Common (*) Commands, 53
*CLS, 76
*ESE, 76
*ESR?, 76
format, 53
*IDN?, 76
list of, 76
*OPC, 76
*OPC?, 76
quick reference, 77
*RCL, 76
*RST, 76 - 77
*SAV, 76
*SRE, 52, 76
*SRE?, 76
*STB?, 52, 76
*TRG, 76 - 77
*TST?, 76 - 77
*WAI, 76
Component Assembly, description, 11
HP E1351A/53A module, 17 - 28
scanning voltmeter, 42
Conformity, declaration, 7
analog bus cables, 42
channels to direct terminals, 32 - 33
channels to tree terminals, 35
digital bus cables, 42
field wiring, 24
mainframe to multimeter, 38
multimeter to mainframe, 38
multimeters, 26 - 27, 34
multiple modules together, 12
signal generators, 26
stand-alone multimeters, 12, 26
switchbox channels to tree terminals, 34
user inputs, 22
analog bus, 12
multimeter, 12, 34
scanning voltmeter, 14
terminal module, 12, 24
tree terminals, 12
analog bus, 26 - 27
digital bus, 26 - 27
pin-out diagram, 22
Continuous Scans, 39, 60
thermistor resistance to a temperature, 44
thermistor temperature to a voltage, 44
maximum allowed, 17, 79
shunt configuration, 23
Custom Cables, 15 - 16, 26
Declaration of conformity, 7
Description, 11
Device Type Register, 85 - 86
Digital Bus, 15
cable, 15, 26 - 27
cables, 42
ground, 15
handshake lines, 15
handshaking, 69
port, 15
triggering, 15 - 16, 50 - 51, 74
Direct Channel Configuration Register, 85, 89
Direct Control Register, 85, 90
Direct Terminals
connecting switchbox channels, 32 - 33
description of, 12
102 HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer User’s Manual Index