Direct Control
The Direct Control Register allows you to set the controls for individual
channels. Note that the DIR bit in the Status/Control Register must be set
true for this register to be enabled.
base + 0E
Write Undefined X X X VLD* A_D* B_D* C1 C0
Read Undefined
C1 - C0 These configuration bits determine the measurement mode as listed below:
C1 C0
0 0 Volts
0 1 2-wire ohms
1 1 4-wire ohms
1 0 Thermistor
Note that to obtain the Thermistor reference temperature for Thermocouple
measurements, you must set the configuration bits for Thermistor. After
you have obtained the reference temperature, set the bits for Volts.
B and A Tree Isolation
Switch Disable
(B-D*, A-D*)
A zero in either one disables the respective tree isolation switch. Generally,
both disabled together equal the
Valid Channel (VLD*) A zero indicates that the specified channel is valid. If DIR is valid and
INT EN is true, a WRITE to this register will generate an interrupt.
Executing Commands
This command lists the SCPI commands and shows how to execute them
with register-based programming. For further information on register-based
programming see the HP E1326B Multimeter User’s Manual.
ABORt ABORt does not have an equivalent in register-based programming. This
command is executed from the front panel or over HP-IB.
ARM:COUNt The ARM:COUNt command does not have an equivalent in register-based
programming. To scan for a specified number of cycles, use the interrupt
generated at the end of the scan list to advance through a program loop for
the set number of cycles. For each pass through the loop, reset the pointer
to the beginning of the scan list. The IRQ EN in the Status/Control Register
must be enabled.
DISPlay:MONitor The DISPlay:MONitor[:STATe] command does not have an equivalent in
register-based programming. For high-speed operation it should be set to
DISPlay:MONitor OFF.
INITiate INITiate:CONTinuous is equivalent to the CNT EN bit in the Scan Control
90 HP E1351A/53A Register-Based Programming Appendix B