Example: 4 x 1
This example shows how to configure the HP E1368A Microwave Switch
to select one of four signals for output. For the example, all three switches
(channels 00 through 02) will be used. Figure 3-6 shows how to connect
channels 00 through 02.
To route signal "A" to the output, execute:
OPEN (@100,102) Connects signal "A" (channel 00
port 1) to the output (channel 02
port C).
To route signal "B" to the output, execute:
CLOS (@100);OPEN (@102) Connects signal "B" (channel 00
port 2) to the output (channel 02
port C). To route signal "C" to the
output, execute:
OPEN (@101);CLOS (@102) Connects signal "C" (channel 01
port 1) to the output (channel 02
port C).
To route signal "D" to the output, execute:
CLOS (@101,102) Connects signal "D" (channel 01
port 2) to the output (channel 02
port C).
Comments Unused signals are terminated into 50Ω (internal to the switch).
Figure 3-7. Example: 4-Channel Multiplexer
38 Using the HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules Chapter 3