Example: Scanning
This example uses the mainframe’s "Trig Out" port to synchronize
Microwave Switch channel 00 to 02 closures to an external measurement
device (e.g. Frequency Counter, Spectrum Analyzer). For measurement
synchronization, the HP E1300A/E1301A "Trig Out" port is connected to
the external instrument’s "EXT Trig In" port.
Figure 3-9 shows how to connect the Microwave Switch module to the
external instrument. The mainframe and external instrument are connected
to the computer’s HP-IB port, and the measurement results are transferred
directly to the computer. For the example, use:
• an HP-IB select code of 7, primary address of 09, and secondary
address of 15 for the Microwave Switch
• an HP-IB select code of 7, primary address of 22 for the External
• an HP Series 200/300 Computer with HP BASIC
10 OUTPUT 722;"TRIG EXT;…" !Configures the external
instrument. Appropriate instrument
commands must be added to make
the measurement.
20 OUTPUT 70915;"*RST" !Opens all channels, resets
Microwave Switch module to
known state.
30 OUTPUT 70915;"OUTP ON" !Enable "Trig Out" port.
40 OUTPUT 70915;"TRIG:SOUR BUS" !Sets trigger source to bus
50 OUTPUT 70915;"SCAN (@100:102)"!Defines channel list to scan
channels 00, 01, and 02.
60 OUTPUT 70915;"INIT" !Closes channel 00 and enables the
scan. Causes a trigger output from
mainframe’s "Trig Out" port which
initiates the external instrument to
make a measurement.
70 FOR I=1 to 3 !Start counting loop (3 channels).
80 WAIT 1 !Allows external instrument time to
settle and make measurement.
90 ENTER 722;A !Enters measurement result.
100 PRINT A !Displays measurement result.
110 TRIGGER 70915 !Advance scan to channel 01 (then
120 NEXT I !Increment the count and repeats
measurement process for a total of
three measurements (channels 00,
01, and 02).
130 END !Terminate program.
40 Using the HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules Chapter 3