
HP Jetdirect en3700 fast ethernet external print server
Chapter 4
Help-yourself troubleshooting
For information to solve problems and get your print server working, refer to the
Troubleshooting section in the HP Jetdirect CD-ROM en3700 User Guide for
interactive step-by-step troubleshooting procedures.
Interpreting the configuration page
The configuration page (also called a self-test page or configuration plot) for a print
server displays messages, network statistics, and status for the print server. To print a
configuration page, press the test button on the print server.
An HP Jetdirect configuration page can also be viewed over the network from a
management utility (such as HP Web Jetadmin), or by accessing the embedded web
server on the HP Jetdirect print server.
Below is a sample for the en3700 external print server.
A general description of each section is given below the sample pages.
For a specific description of each entry on your page, see the HP Jetdirect
Administrator’s Guide. Find the HP Jetdirect Configuration Page topic in its
contents panel.