
HP Jetdirect en3700 fast ethernet external print server
Chapter 5
Getting Support and Service
Help-yourself troubleshooting
For information to solve problems and get your print server working, refer to the
Troubleshooting section in the HP Jetdirect CD-ROM en3700 User Guide for
interactive step-by-step troubleshooting procedures.
Call HP: HP support by phone
Highly trained technicians are ready to take your call.
NOTE: Telephone fees are the responsibility of the caller. Rates may
vary. Contact your local telephone company for current
For the most up-to-date HP support telephone numbers worldwide, visit Customer
Support (http://www.hp.com/cpso-support/guide/psd/expectations.html) to access a list
of regional telephone numbers.
In the USA and Canada, the support telephone number for HP Jetdirect products is:
1-800-HPINVENT (1-800-474-6836).