Performing a serial download 49
Serial upgrade of operating system firmware procedure
Use the following procedure to perform a serial upgrade of the GbE2 Interconnect Switch Operating System firmware
image usually named pGbE2_100.bin.
1. Using the null modem cable, connect the console port of a GbE2 Interconnect Switch to the serial port of your
PC that supports XModem/1K XModem.
2. Start HyperTerminal (part of Microsoft Windows) or equivalent terminal emulation application (depending on
your computer operating system) and set the following parameters for terminal emulation console:
Parameter Value
Baud Rate 9600
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None
3. Power on the GbE2 Interconnect Switch.
4. Hold the Shift key down and press the D key repeatedly during the Memory Test, until the following message
Memory Test ................
Xmodem Mode
Starting POST...
Checking MP I2c................................... PASSED.
Checking PCI bus.................................. PASSED.
Checking Interrupt................................ PASSED.
Post Passed.
Disabling watchdog for xmodem.
ProLiant p-Class GbE2 Interconnect Switch - PPCBoot 2.x.x.
To download GbE2 Switch Boot Code or GbE2 Switch OS Image use 1K Xmodem at
NOTE: You can perform serial downloads at 57600 baud rate by pressing the Shift-F keys or at 115200
baud rate by pressing the Shift-D keys.
5. After the message in step 4 displays, reconfigure your terminal emulation console with the following
Parameter Value
Baud Rate 115200
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None