4-16 AlphaServer GS80 Upgrade Manual
4.4.1 Installing Q-VET
The procedures for installation of Q-VET differ between operating
systems. You must install Compaq Analyze and Q-VET on each
partition in the system.
TCP/IP (on Tru64 UNIX) or DecNet_Phase IV (on OpenVMS) should be
configured before installing Q-VET.
Compaq Analyze must be installed on each partition. Q-VET will not start if
Compaq Analyze is not installed.
Install and run Q-VET from the SYSTEM account on VMS and the root
account on UNIX. Follow the instructions listed under your operating system
to install Q-VET. Remember to install Q-VET in each partition.
Tru64 UNIX
1. Copy the kit tar file (QVET_Vxxx.tar) to your system.
2. If this is not a new install check for old Q-VET kits (or DECVET kits) via
the following command.
setld -i | grep VET
Note the names of any listed kits such as OTKBASExxx etc.
Remove the kits with the command
setld -d kit1_name kit2_name kit3_name
3. Be sure that there is no directory named output. If so move to another
directory or remove the output directory.
rm -r output
4. Untar the kit with the command
tax xvf QVET_Vxxx.tar
5. Install the kit with the command
setld -l output
6. During the install, if you intend to use the GUI you must select the
optional GUI subset (QVETXOSFxxx).
7. The Q-VET installation will size your system for devices and memory. It
also runs qvet_tune. You should answer 'y' to the questions that are asked
about setting parameters. If you do not, you may have trouble running Q-