Upgrades Using B4166 and B4168 CPUs B-1
Appendix B
Upgrades Using B4166 and
B4168 CPUs
Upgrading original systems depends upon whether the customer decides to
retain the older, slightly slower CPUs or not. There are three types of
• Adding CPUs to a (black) system that always had B4166 CPUs.
• Replacing B4125 CPUs in a (blue) system with B4166 or B4168 CPUs.
• Adding B4166 or B4168 CPUs to a (blue) system containing B4125 CPUs.
If the customer decides to retain the older CPUs, the upgrade consists of adding
new CPUs, a new system drawer, and updating system firmware. See Section
If the customer decides to replace old CPUs with new ones, the upgrade
consists of replacing/adding new CPUs, possibly adding a system drawer,
changing the speed of the system clock, and updating system firmware. See
Section B.2.
The customer may also decide to replace the old cabinet sides, doors, and top
with new black cabinet cosmetics. See Section B.5.
NOTE: Whatever the type of upgrade, the SRM and microprocessor firmware
must be brought to a minimum revision prior to performing hardware
For B4166 CPUs – V6.0-514
For B4168 CPUs – V6.3