
Troubleshooting Checklist B-3
The connection from the client to the local area network
may not be configured correctly. See your system admin-
istrator for assistance.
The cable between your computer or network and the
RIP computer may not be securely connected at both
Your computer may not be working properly. Run an
application that you know works correctly and print to be
The computer’s port may not be working properly. Print to
another output device that you know works correctly (and
is not connected to the print server) to check this.
5. Is the print quality good?
YES: Then the problem is not covered in this checklist.
Contact Technical Services.
NO: The following could be the problem:
Banding or general poor image quality — the print-
heads may need to be calibrated (see Chapter 4, Cali-
brating the Printer). One or more inkjets may be clogged
or not firing (see “Checking Jet Health” on page 2-24).
The media advance may need to be recalibrated (see
“Media Feed Calibration” on page 4-9).
Inaccurate color or under- or over-saturated output
— the wrong color profile may be selected at the print
server or RIP. Refer to the documentation that accompa-
nies the print server or RIP.
Inaccurate color or lack of detail — one or more ink-
jets may be clogged or not firing (see “Checking Jet
Health” on page 2-24).
Media buckling or media feed problems — the wrong
media could be selected in the Media Wizard (see “Con-
figure Media” on page 2-6). The media may not have
been loaded squarely (see “Load and Print on Roll-Fed
Media” on page 2-15).