Selecting Test Features
Adding Pointer Adjustments
OFFSET - You can frequency offset the line rate or the SPE/VT rate,
relative to each other, thus producing pointer movements. If you offset
the SPE pointer, an 87:3 sequence of pointer movements is generated.
The available configurations are listed in the following table.
If you are currently adding Frequency Offset to the SONET interface
or payload, pointer OFFSET is not available.
T1.105/GR-253 - Provides pointer movements according to T1.105 and
4 Choose the T1.105/GR-253 ADJUSTMENT TYPE.
5 Choose the POLARITY, INTERVAL and PATTERN (where applicable)
for the selected sequence.
6 Choose POINTER SEQUENCES to generate the selected
G.783 sequence and to stop the pointer sequences.
T1.105/GR-253 Pointer Sequences Explained
In addition to the BURST, NEW POINTER and OFFSET pointer
movements described, the HP 37718A can also generate pointer
sequences (pointer movements) according to T1.105.03 and GR-253.
Before running a pointer sequence you can elect to run an initialization
sequence, followed by a cool down period, and then run the chosen
sequence. This is selected using the START INIT softkey shown in the
display on the previous page. Initialized pointer sequences are made up
of three periods: the Initialization Period, the Cool Down Period, and the
Sequence (Measurement) Period, an example is given in the following
Pointer Type Line Rate SPE Rate VT Rate
SPE Constant Offset Tracks AU Payload
SPE Offset Constant Constant
VT Constant Constant Offset
VT Offset Tracks Line Rate Constant