Selecting Test Features
Using Pointer Graph Test Function
Using Pointer Graph Test Function
Pointer Graph shows the relative offset during the measurement period.
This allows the time relationship of SPE or VT pointer movements to be
observed. Up to 4 days of storage allows long term effects such as Wander
to be observed. If an alarm occurs during the measurement period, a new
graph starts at the centre of the display (offset zero) after recovery from
the alarm.
TIP: The Pointer Graph display can be logged to the chosen logging device.
See "Logging on Demand " page 110.
TIP: The graph can also be viewed on the display
at the end of the measurement.
HOW TO: 1 Set up the receive SONET interface and payload as required. See
“Setting SONET Receive Interface” page 17.
2 Choose the CAPTURE INTERVAL required.
The capture interval determines the time between captures. Low
values of capture interval should be chosen when a high degree of
pointer movements is expected.
High values of capture interval should be chosen when a low degree of
pointer movements is expected, for example Wander over 1 day, use 5
MINS and Wander over 4 days, use 20 MINS.