Chapter 3 Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation
Elements of SCPI Commands
Programming Guide 3-71
To Perform a Time Interval Calibration (HP BASIC)
910 Cal_quick: ! Calibrates using the QUICK TI calibration.
920 PRINT "Connect square wave signal to Channel 1"
930 GOSUB Wait_for_input
940 PRINT "Recalibrating"
970 ENTER @Count;Status
980 IF Status<>0 THEN
990 PRINT "Quick TI calibration failed."
1000 END IF
1020 !
1030 !
1040 Cal_fine:! Calibrates using the FINE TI calibration.
1050 ! Code below includes the commands required to drive
1060 ! the HP 59992 JO6 Time Interval Calibrator.
1070 PRINT "Connect 10-MHz signal to calibrator back-panel input."
1080 PRINT "Connect calibrator Channel A,B outputs to 53131 Channel 1,2"
1090 GOSUB Wait_for_input
1100 PRINT "Recalibrating"
1110 OUTPUT @Cal;"B1" ! B1 = Button 1 on calibrator
1120 OUTPUT @Count;":DIAG:CAL:TINT:FINE1" ! Counter processes B1 signal.
1130 OUTPUT @Count;":DIAG:CAL:STATUS?" ! Query status only to force
1140 ! program to wait until prior
1150 ! command has completed.
1160 ENTER @Count;Status ! Response comes back when box
1170 ! is ready for next CAL command.
1180 !
1190 OUTPUT @Cal;"B2" ! B2 = Button 2 on calibrator
1200 OUTPUT @Count;":DIAG:CAL:TINT:FINE2" ! Counter processes B2 signal.
1210 OUTPUT @Count;":DIAG:CAL:STATUS?" ! Query status only to wait
1220 ENTER @Count;Status
1230 !
1240 OUTPUT @Cal;"B3" ! B3 = Button 3 on calibrator
1250 OUTPUT @Count;":DIAG:CAL:TINT:FINE3" ! Counter processes B3 signal.
1260 OUTPUT @Count;":DIAG:CAL:STATUS?" ! Query status only to wait
1270 ENTER @Count;Status
1280 !
1290 OUTPUT @Cal;"B4" ! B4 = Button 4 on calibrator.
1300 OUTPUT @Count;":DIAG:CAL:TINT:FINE4" ! Counter processes B4 signal.
1310 OUTPUT @Count;":DIAG:CAL:STATUS?" ! NOW query status to assess
1320 ENTER @Count;Status ! PASS/FAIL status of the
1330 ! ! calibration.
1340 ! 0=PASS, 1=FAIL
1350 IF Status<>0 THEN
1360 PRINT "Fine TI calibration failed."
1370 END IF
1390 !