Chapter 4 Command Reference
4-2 Programming Guide
This chapter describes the SCPI Subsystem commands and the IEEE 488.2
Common commands for the HP 53131A/132A 225 MHz Universal Counter. The
information in this chapter will help you program the Counter over the HP-IB.
The commands are presented in alphabetical order.
• SCPI Subsystem commands are described on pages 4-4 thru 4-121.
• IEEE 488.2 Common command descriptions start on
page 4-122.
• Device Clear and Group Execute Trigger descriptions are also included on
pages 4-31 and 4-42, respectively.
For each command description:
• where the phrase “Sets or queries” is used, the command setting can be
queried by omitting the parameter and appending a “?” to the last
command keyword.
For example,
:INPut:COUPling [AC | DC]
can be queried with
• unless otherwise noted, a command described as an event cannot be
• unless otherwise noted, the command setting is affected by save/recall.
• the square brackets, [ ], are used to indicate that the element(s) within the
brackets are optional. Note, the brackets are NOT part of the command
and should not be sent to the Counter.
• the vertical bar, |, is used to mean “OR” and is used to separate alternative