
Resolve e-mail problems
During the configuration of the HP DSS program, you must locate the SMTP server and LDAP server
on your network and test them to make sure that they are functional. On most standard networks, using
the Find Servers and Test buttons in the HP MFP DSS Configuration Utility will successfully find and
test the servers. However, in some cases, the discovery process might fail to find the SMTP or LDAP
server. If this is the case, use a computer and the instructions in the following sections to find and test
the server.
Finding the LDAP server address
The LDAP Find Servers function searches the network by querying DNS servers and devices that have
been configured for LDAP. Servers that can provide LDAP functionality include e-mail servers and
directory servers such as the following:
Microsoft Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2000 servers
Microsoft Active Directory servers
Novell Directory Services servers
If you have one of these types of servers on your network and know the address, use the computer
keyboard and try typing it into the LDAP Server text box on the Authentication tab. Then click the Find
Settings button to retrieve the settings.
Verifying an LDAP address
Use this procedure to verify that the LDAP server address that you are using is valid.
1. Open a Web browser.
2. Using the computer keyboard type LDAP://[hostname or IP address of LDAP
server] into the browser address box, using the host name or IP address of the LDAP server
that you are using for digital sending.
3. Press Enter on the keyboard. If the Find People dialog box appears, the LDAP server address is
valid. If the dialog box does not appear, contact your network administrator to verify that the server
is functioning.
Troubleshooting the LDAP Find Settings process
On the computer click the Find Settings button on the Authentication tab, the program uses the entries
in the Accessing the LDAP Server and Searching the Database sections of the tab to find the correct
settings for your LDAP server. Setting or changing these entries can affect the success of the Find
Settings process. Try using the following settings:
1. Select Anonymous from the LDAP Server Bind Method drop-down list, and then delete any data
from the Search Root text box so that it is blank.
2. Click Find Settings.
3. Click Test and type a user name and password to test the software's ability to retrieve an e-mail
address. If the test succeeds, your LDAP configuration is complete. If the test fails, continue on to
Step 4.
4. Select Simple or Windows Negotiated (SPNEGO) from the LDAP Server Bind Method drop-
down list. Select Use MFP user's credentials.
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