48 User’s Guide
Installing permanently
Connecting to a room controller
If your projector has a serial port, you can connect the projector to a room
controller using a serial (RS-232) cable. After you program the room controller
using the following commands, you can use the room controller to operate the
projector and other components of your home theater.
Serial connections
The serial port on the projector uses a standard serial (RS-232) cable:
■ Pin 2: data sent to the projector (RxD)
■ Pin 3: data sent from the projector (TxD)
■ Pin 5: ground
The room controller must use the following serial (RS-232) settings:
■ 9600 baud
■ 1 start bit + 8 data bits (D0=LSB, D7=MSB) + 1 stop bit
■ No parity
■ Full duplex communication channels (no flow control)
■ No handshaking
Examples of room controller commands
In the following examples, “<CR>” and “<LF>” represent a carriage return and
line feed, respectively.
Commands are sent to the projector as "requests" which consist of an asterisk (*)
prefix, the command name, any needed parameter, and a carriage return <CR> as
a terminator:
* command = parameter <CR>
Requests can contain only ASCII alphanumeric characters. Blanks (spaces) are
allowed, except within keywords and numbers. Line feeds <LF> are ignored.