54 User’s Guide
Installing permanently
Power and status functions
Command Parameters Description
None Puts the projector into cool-down state,
and later into standby state. The
projector sends a notification when it
enters cool-down state (STAT=3), and
another when it enters standby state
(STAT=0). This keyword requires the
projector to be in its on state (STAT=1).
Do not send any requests other
than STAT in the time between
the cool-down and standby state
notifications. Otherwise,
unexpected results can occur.
None Puts the projector into warm-up state,
and later into on state. The projector
sends a notification when it enters
warm-up state (STAT=2), and another
when it enters the on state (STAT=1).
This keyword requires the projector to
be in standby state (STAT=0).
Do not send any requests other
than STAT in the time between
the warm-up and on state
notifications. Otherwise,
unexpected results can occur.
? Queries the projector's current state:
0=standby state (off), 1=on, 2=warm-up
state, 3=cool-down state, 4=audio-only
Not a request Notifies when a system alert condition
occurs: 0=lamp life warning, 1=lamp life
reached, 2=lamp faulty, 3=lamp
problem, 4=internal temperature too
high, 5=fan problem, 6=ambient
temperature too high, 7=color wheel
problem, 8=lamp cover open.
ALERT is sent only by the
projector, and cannot be used in