Chapter 6: Menu and Soft Key Reference 70 Capture Mode Menus and Soft Keys
Set Date & Time Submenu
Figure 48: Set Date & Time Submenu Use the Set Date & Time submenu to set the camera’s date and time. Press the up and down arrows
on the 4-way controller to scroll through the list of numbers. Press the left and right arrows to move
between the date/time fields.
Table 34: Set Date & Time Soft Keys
Format Dialog
Figure 49: Format Dialog When you press the Format soft key in the Set Date & Time submenu, you see the Format dialog,
which allows you to select from a list of six, predefined date and time formats.
Table 35: Format Soft Keys
Soft Key Function
Format Opens the Format List dialog
where you can select the format.
Exit Saves the date and time settings,
exits this submenu, and returns to
the Preferences menu.
Soft Key Function
Select Places a checkmark next
to the selected format and
returns to the Set Date &
Time submenu.
Exit Exits this dialog and
returns to the Set Date &
Time submenu.