Chapter 2: Preparing to Take Pictures 9 Using the Status LCD
Using the Status LCD
Figure 2: Status LCD Indicators The status LCD conveys important information about the camera’s status. The status LCD shows you
the status of the camera’s batteries, the settings for the flash mode, timer mode, and auto focus
range, as well as the number of pictures remaining on the memory card (see Figure 2).
The status LCD turns on every time you power on the camera. You can use the status LCD to assess
the current status of the camera, and to change the flash mode, timer mode, and auto focus range
settings when preparing to take pictures.
The buttons beneath the status LCD
the flash mode button , the timer mode button , and
the auto focus range button
toggle the associated camera settings on and off within the
status LCD (see Figure 3). To change one of these settings, press the associated button until you see
the desired icon or set of icons displayed in the status LCD for the setting you want.
Figure 3: Status LCD Buttons The next three subsections explain the possible settings for the flash mode, timer mode, and auto
focus range on the camera.
Note: If you see
flashing in the status
LCD, this means that either there is no memory
card in the camera, or the memory card is full.
mode mode
Auto focus rangeTimer modeFlash mode