Printing with the front or rear manual feed slot
If you are printing one or just a few photos, envelopes, or sheets of paper, you can use the front
manual feed slot and leave your regular media in the input tray.
The rear manual feed slot uses a straight paper path and is designed for printing single sheets on
thick paper (up to 280 g/m
) like cardstock and photo paper.
For information on media types and sizes supported by the manual feed slots, see
specifications for supported media on page 27.
Printing from the manual feed slots is performed in two stages: 1) changing the software settings,
and 2) loading the media. The following sections contain procedures for performing each stage.
NOTE: If the duplex unit accessory is installed and you want to print using the rear manual feed
slot, replace the duplex unit with the rear access panel.
Changing the software settings
For Windows:
1. Open the printer driver (see
Printing a document on page 49).
2. Click the Features tab.
3. Select the manual feed option from the Paper Source drop-down list.
4. Change any other desired print settings and click OK.
5. Print your document.
For Macintosh:
1. Click File, and then click Page Setup.
2. Select the media size and click OK.
3. Click File, and then click Print.
4. Open the Paper Type/Quality panel.
5. Click the Paper tab and select the media type and source.
6. Change any other desired print settings and click Print.
50 Chapter 4 Printing and loading media ENWW