Alphabetical list of commands
In this alphabetical list, new to 5.3.x commands are preceded
by an asterisk “*” and formatted in green like this:
* command 2-xxx
accept forced links 2-71
access controller shared secret 2-35
* access level 2-82
access-controller restrict location 2-32
active 2-62
active 2-69
active 2-79
add ip filter 2-61
add ip-qos profile 2-63
add wireless ip-qos profile 2-39
* admin local authentication 2-11
* admin radius authentication 2-11
* admin radius authentication server 2-12
allowed downtime 2-71
antenna bidirectionnal 2-50
antenna gain 2-50
arp 2-5
arping 2-2
arping 2-5
authentication server access controller 2-56
authentication server accounting 2-56
authentication server accounting radius profile 2-56
authentication server accounting radius stationid case 2-57
authentication server accounting radius stationid delimiter
authentication server radius 2-56
autochannel skip 2-50
bandwidth 2-53
bandwidth max 2-53
beacon dtim count 2-62
beacon interval 2-50
beacon transmit power 2-63
bridge priority 2-37
bridge protocol ieee 2-37
bridge protocol ieee vlan 2-37
certificate 2-9
certificate binding 2-9
certificate revocation 2-9
clock 2-15
* clock auto adjust dst 2-15
* clock custom dst begins 2-16
* clock custom dst begins format 2-16
* clock custom dst ends 2-17
* clock custom dst ends format 2-17
clock timezone 2-15
* clock use custom dst rules 2-15
* community 2-83
config 2-7
config-update automatic 2-18
config-update operation 2-18
config-update time 2-18
config-update uri 2-18
config-update weekday 2-18
config-version 2-40
data rate 2-63
delete ip filter 2-62
delete ip filter all 2-62
delete ip-qos profile 2-64
delete ip-qos profile all 2-64
delete wireless ip-qos profile 2-39
delete wireless ip-qos profile all 2-39
discovery protocol 2-36
discovery protocol device-id 2-36
distance 2-48
dot11 2-49
dot11 automatic frequency 2-50
dot11 automatic frequency period 2-51
dot11 automatic frequency time 2-51
dot11 automatic transmit-power 2-51
dot11 automatic transmit-power period 2-51
dot11 igmp snooping-helper 2-36
dot11 mode 2-52
dot11n channel extension 2-52
dot11n channel width 2-52
dot11n guard interval 2-52
dot11n multicast rate 2-52
dot1x authentication 2-56
dot1x reauth 2-38
dot1x reauth period 2-38
dot1x reauth terminate 2-38
dot1x supplicant timeout 2-38
duplex 2-41
duplex 2-43
dynamic key 2-38
dynamic key interval 2-39
dynamic local mesh 2-71
dynamic mode 2-71
enable 2-2
encryption key 1 2-55
encryption key format 2-55
end force 2-78
end-port 2-76
factory reset 2-6
factory settings 2-9
fast authentication 2-63
firmware-update automatic 2-30
firmware-update start 2-31
firmware-update time 2-31
firmware-update uri 2-31
firmware-update weekday 2-31
gre name 2-78
guest-mode 2-54
ingress interface 2-54
initial discovery time 2-71
interface 2-69
interface ethernet 2-9
interface gre 2-11
interface ip 2-10
interface vlan 2-42
interface vlan 2-44
interface vlan 2-70
interface wireless 2-10
ip address 2-45
ip address 2-67
ip address 2-78
ip address dhcp client-id 2-46
ip address mode 2-45
ip address mode 2-67
ip default-gateway 2-45
ip filters 2-62