The HP Instant Share menu appears on the color graphics display.
2 Press 3 to select HP Instant Share Options.
The Instant Share Options menu appears on the color graphics display.
3 Use the
and arrows to highlight the option you want to access.
Options are described in the table below.
Instant Share Options
Receive Options Selecting Receive Options lets you choose whether your
HP all-in-one will receive a collection of images from any
sender who has a valid HP Passport account (Open mode) or a
specified group of senders (Private mode). The default is set to
Open, receive from any sender. For more information, see
Receive from a specified group of senders (Private mode) and
Receive from any sender (Open mode).
Auto Checking Selecting Auto Checking lets you decide whether or not your
HP all-in-one checks the HP Instant Share service at
predetermined intervals for new messages. If auto checking is
set to On, an icon displays on the color graphics display to let
you know when an image collection has been received. (The
icon is described in the HP all-in-one overview. For more
information, see To preview images before printing and To
automatically print received images.
Note If you never send or receive images, or are happy to
check manually for messages by pressing the HP
Instant Share button, set auto checking to Off.
Remove Collections Selecting Remove Collections lets you remove image
collections from the Received collections list. For more
information, see Remove received images.
Display Device
Selecting Display Device Name lets you view the name you
assigned to your HP all-in-one when you signed up with HP
Instant Share and registered your device. The device name is
used by others to send to your device. For more information,
see To send a photo to your friend or relative's network-
connected device.
Manage Account If your HP all-in-one is not set up with HP Instant Share,
selecting Manage Account launches the HP Instant Share
Setup Wizard.
If your device is already set up, selecting Manage Account
lets you manage your HP Instant Share account from your
computer. After you sign in with your HP Passport userid and
password, you are presented with the HP Instant Share
manager. Options include the ability to create a destination
and add senders to the access list. For more information, see
the topics under Get started.
User Guide 149
Use HP Instant Share (networked)