
default settings
fax 118
restore 168
destination file
send photos 139
create 135
manage 148
device update
about 201
Macintosh 202
Windows 201
dial tone test, failure 183
digital camera
PictBridge 55
distinctive ringing 85, 105, 119
DNS. see domain name server
domain name server
check IP address 196, 197
down arrow 8
DPOF file 55
DSL line, set up with fax 84
embedded Web server 196
enter text 113
load 41
specifications 217
Environmental product
stewardship program 222
specifications 221
error correction mode
(ECM) 121
error reports, fax 115
EWS. see embedded Web
factory defaults, restore 168
fast copy quality 61
answer call 112
answer mode,
set 105, 107
answer ring pattern 119
machine 94, 95, 186, 188
auto answer, set 105, 107
backup fax reception 121
cancel 124
contrast 118
date and time 112
defaults 118
delete 123
ringing 85, 105, 119
DSL line, set up 84
enter text and
symbols 113
error correction mode
(ECM) 121
full 201
header 113
Internet, over 123, 190
ISDN line, set up 85
lighten or darken 118
manual receive 112
manual send 108, 186
memory 201
memory is full 201
menu 11
menu button 8
monitor dialing 110
paper size 119
pause 113
PBX system, set up 85
PC modem, set
up 89, 90, 95, 99
phone cord 181, 184, 189
receive 111
redial 109, 120
reduce automatically 120
reports 102, 108, 115
reprint 123
resolution 117
rings to answer 111
send 107
set up 79, 180
settings 117, 118
specifications 220
speed 122
speed dial 110, 116, 117
static on the phone
line 189
test 102, 180
test failed 181
tone or pulse dial 119
troubleshoot 180
voice mail, set up 88, 99
volume 119
FCC requirements 223
FCC statement 224
fill entire page 63
fit to page 65
FoIP 123, 190
four-wire phone cord 184, 189
clean 155
load original 35
greeting cards, load 42
Hagaki cards, load 40
hardware setup
troubleshoot 170
hardware test, fax 181
header, fax 113
HP all-in-one
about 5
return 208
HP Director
HP Instant Share 131
missing icons 177
start 12
HP Gallery
OS 9 HP Image Zone 17
OS X HP Image Zone 15
HP help (OS 9 HP Image
Zone) 18
HP Image Print (OS X HP Image
Zone) 15
HP Image Zone
button (Windows) 13
HP Instant
Share 129, 130, 140
Macintosh 14, 16, 130
overview 12
send images 140
Windows 12, 129
HP Instant Share
access list 136
auto checking 143
auto print 136, 144
cancel print jobs 147
cancel sending
images 140
connection errors 195
connection lost 198
destination file 139
destinations 135, 192
destinations not
authorized 198
e-mail 57, 71
232 HP Photosmart 2600/2700 series all-in-one