page. Increasing this client's size increases the number of PCL down-
loaded fonts which can be accepted.
The Enable Disk Swap memory client gives your printer virtual mem-
ory capability for all memory clients through the creation of a “swap
file” on the printer’s hard disk. The default size of the swap file
depends on the amount of RAM installed. The more RAM installed,
the larger the default swap file size will be. The printer uses this file as
an extension of its memory. As the physical RAM fills, the printer can
swap the contents to the hard disk file to allow more space. This file
swapping between disk and RAM occurs at various times throughout
the printing process and is completely transparent.
» Note:
The printer must have a hard disk to take advantage of this
Menu Administration/Memory/K Mem Emul Tmp
Choices 00256-08192
Default 00256
Notes This value must be greater than the sum of the Min K Spool for
all installed and enabled interfaces.
If you change the K Mem Emul Tmp value, the printer
automatically restarts after you save your changes and exit
from the configuration menu.
Menu Administration/Memory/Enable Disk Swap
Choices No—Don’t enable disk swapping.
Yes—Enable disk swapping.
Default No