
The K Mem for PSHeap memory client, listed on the status page as
Heap, is the number of kilobytes of RAM dedicated to the PostScript
emulation interpreter. This memory client holds downloaded Post-
Script emulation fonts, operators, and forms.
The MB Printer Mem memory client, listed as System Use on the sta-
tus page, is the number of megabytes of RAM available to be split
among the various memory clients. The size of this client's memory
limits the number of jobs that may be queued simultaneously. When
this client's memory is exhausted, the printer slows down, and the
hosts are forced to wait.
The K Mem for Spool memory client, listed on the status page as
Host Input, is the total number of kilobytes of RAM allocated to all
spooling buffers. This memory client stores incoming data from the
various interfaces until it is processed and printed.
Menu Administration/Memory/K Mem for PSHeap
Choices 01024-08192
Default 01360
Notes If you change the K Mem for PSHeap value, the printer
automatically restarts after you save your changes and exit
from the configuration menu.
Menu Administration/Memory/MB Printer Mem
Choices 00012-00064
Default Depends on the amount of memory installed.
Notes This memory client is not user-configurable.
If disk swapping is enabled (Administration/Memory/Enable
Disk Swap menu), the amount of memory displayed is larger
than the actual amount of memory installed in the printer.
Menu Administration/Memory/K Mem for Spool