HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
Restoring Software on the Hard Disk
Install Internet Explorer
If necessary, insert the System Console CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
After your computer is restarted, the following items are installed:
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer tools
Desktop settings
Install the OutsideView Terminal Emulator
This copy of the OutsideView terminal emulator is licensed only for the system console
and must not be installed on any other workstation.
For installation instructions, see the NonStop System Console Installer Guide.
Install OSM or TSM Client Software
For installation instructions, see the NonStop System Console Installer Guide.
Install Carbon Copy Version 5.7
You must uninstall your existing Carbon Copy version before installing Carbon Copy
Version 5.7. For installation instructions (and instructions for removing your existing
copy), see the NonStop System Console Installer Guide.
Table D-11. Install Internet Explorer
Action Result
1. In the All Folders column, navigate
to the folder D:\IE6.
The contents of the Iexplorer folder appear.
2. Open the I386 folder. The contents of the I386 folder appear.
3. Double-click ie6setup.exe. Internet Explorer 6.0 Active Setup wizard appears.
4. Click Next. The License Agreement dialog box appears.
5. Accept the agreement. Click Next. The Installation Open dialog box appears.