Supported Topologies 17
Product Description
Supported Topologies
Devices such as FC-AL disk arrays and HP system servers that support FC-AL can be
connected to the hub in a loop that includes one or more servers. All nodes in the loop
must be 1063 Mbps short-wave, non-OFC, FC-AL. The ports connected by a cable must
have the same optical transceivers. Figure4, Figure5, and Figure6 show typical hub
topologies. For details on supported topologies, contact an HP sales representative.
Single Short-Wave Hub Topology
For the model S10 short-wave hub, Hewlett-Packard recommends 50-micron multimode
fiber cable for new installations, but also supports 62.5-micron multimode fiber cable with
SC-style connectors in existing installations. Stated distances assume 50-micron multimode
A server with an FC-AL short-wave adapter can connect to an hub 500 meters away. Each
of the 10 ports on the short-wave hub can connect to an FC-AL device up to 500 meters
away. The maximum distance between the server and the end FC-AL device is 1000 meters
(1 km).
Figure 4 Example Topology: 10 Ports Shared among Server and FC-AL Devices
500 m
500 m
FC-AL Devices
HP-UX Server
or HP NetServer
Total distance between server
and FC-AL device = 1000 m
HP-UX Server
or HP NetServer
NOTE: Connecting HP-UX servers
and HP NetServers to the same hub
is NOT a supported configuration.
model S10 hub