40 Procedure 7: Verify the Connections
Procedure 7: Verify the Connections
After connecting devices and the server to the hub, verify the connections.
Note Because the hub is strictly a pass-through device for FC-AL traffic, there is no
hub address and the hub is not listed in ioscan output (HP-UX servers) or the
SCSI Adapters window (HP NetServers).
For HP-UX servers:
1. Use the following HP-UX command to run ioscan and check the hardware paths
between the server and the attached FC-AL devices:
ioscan -f
For details on ioscan and its options, refer to the HP-UX System Administration
Tasks Manual. Also consult the device documentation to interpret the ioscan output.
2. If the Hardware State of a device connected to the hub is “Unclaimed” or “No H/W,” see
chapter4, Troubleshooting, for more information.
For HP NetServers:
1. From the Start menu, select Settings, then select Control Panel.
2. Double-click the SCSI Adapters icon. The SCSI Adapters window appears.
3. Click the Devices tab, then verify that the FC-AL devices connected to the hub are