installation and user information
product overview
Chapter 226
This driver communicates with the EtherLite-32 and makes the Digi
switch’s serial connections appear as though they were direct serial
connections to the master system. Thus, the master node communicates
with the slave node via a serial port communications program, such as cu
on HP-UX or the dinc program supplied with the Digi switch.
Examples for accessing save node #2:
cu -l/dev/ttyn01 -s 9600
/usr/local/bin/dinc /dev/digi/sv2
The Digi EtherLite-32 has its own IP address and is connected to the
10/100 hub. RJ45 ports are connected to serial port 1 of each slave node
via an RS-232 adapter.
Figure 2-3 Single Display Channel
Each workstation has one graphics card. The master workstation does
2D rendering and the rest of the workstations do 3D rendering. Each hp
visualization center sv6 cluster outputs to a single display. Each graphics
device is connected to the compositor through a digital video connection.
Each workstation is connected to the hp ProCurve 10/100 BaseT switch
(J4813A) which provides a connection to the site’s LAN.