installation and user information
how to use hp visualization center sv6 tools
Chapter 2 65
how to use hp visualization center sv6 tools
See the README files at:
The following tools can be used to make on-the-fly configuration changes.
• sv_config -This script allows you to customize the site-visible
host names and IP addresses for slave systems. It is not necessary to
set the IP addresses on the slave systems for the system to operate
properly. Use this script to set root passwords on the slave systems.
This is only necessary if you want access to these systems for other
First, you must know the new host names and IP addresses for all
the systems, including the IP address of the Digi-Etherlite terminal
server. When you have this information you can run sv_config
(/var/opt/ignite/sps/sv6files/sv_config) and it will
prompt you for the new information for each system.
You may also prepare a file with this information for sv_config to
read. First copy the sv6_targets to a temporary file (for example:
cp /var/opt/ignite/sps/sv6files/sv6_targets
/tmp/sv6_newnames). Then edit /tmp/sv6_newnames to add the
required information. It should look like the example below:
Append after each sv name the hostname and IP address you want
the system to be known as within your site network. The first line
(svm) is the master system, sv_config doesn’t change the master’s
hostname or IP address, use set_parms to do that. sv6_newnames
will then look like this:
svm mymastername
sv1 myname1
sv2 myname2
sv3 myname3
Then run ./sv_config -f /tmp/sv6_newnames