4. Clean the electrical connections on the backside of the printhead with a lint free cloth. You can
carefully use a mild rubbing alcohol if moisture is needed to remove residue. Do not use water.
CAUTION: This is a delicate process and may damage the printhead. Do not touch the
nozzles on the bottom side of the printhead, especially not with any alcohol.
5. Reinsert the printhead, see Insert a printhead on page 120.
6. Check the front-panel display message. If the problem remains, try a new printhead.
Clean the printheads
As long as the printer is kept turned on, an automatic cleaning is performed periodically. This ensures
there is fresh ink in the nozzles and prevents nozzle clogs, which ensures color accuracy. If you have
not already done so, please see
The Image Diagnostics Print on page 160 before proceeding.
To clean the printheads, go to the front panel and select the Image Quality Maintenance menu icon
, then Clean printheads. If you have gone through the Image Quality Diagnostic print process,
you know which colors are failing. Select the pair of printheads which contain the failing colors. If you
are not sure which colors to clean, you can also select to clean all printheads. Cleaning all printheads
takes about nine minutes. Cleaning a single pair of printheads takes about six minutes.
NOTE: Cleaning all printheads uses more ink than cleaning a single pair.
Clean the printhead drop detector
The printhead drop detector is a sensor that detects which nozzles on the printheads are not printing
in order to substitute them for good printing nozzles. If particles, such as fibers, hair or paper pieces,
block the sensor print-quality is affected.
When the front panel displays a warning message that the clean process is needed, you are
recommended to clean the printhead drop detector. If you do not clean the printhead drop detector
immediately, the printer continues working normally, however, the front panel display continues to
show the warning.
CAUTION: Wear gloves to avoid getting ink on your hands.
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Ink system issues