A suite of protocols that Apple Computer developed in 1984 for computer networking. Apple now recommends
TCP/IP networking instead.
Apple Computer's trade name for its implementation of the IETF Zeroconf specification framework, a computer
network technology used in Apple's Mac OS X from version 10.2 onwards. It is used to discover services
available on a local area network. It was originally known as Rendezvous.
Color accuracy
The ability to print colors that match the original image as closely as possible, bearing in mind that all devices
have a limited color gamut and may not be physically capable of matching certain colors precisely.
Color consistency
The ability to print the same colors from a particular print job from print to print and from printer to printer.
Color model
A system of representing colors by numbers, such as RGB or CMYK.
Color space
A color model in which each color is represented by a specific set of numbers. Many different color spaces can
use the same color model: for instance, monitors generally use the RGB color model, but they have different
color spaces, because a particular set of RGB numbers results in different colors on different monitors.
A printer component that slides back and forth across the platen to cut the paper.
ElectroStatic Discharge. Static electricity is common in daily life. It is the spark when touching the car door, or
the cling of clothing. Although controlled static electricity has some useful applications, uncontrolled electrostatic
discharges are one of the main hazards to the electronics products. Therefore, to prevent damage some
precautions are needed when setting up the product, or handling ESD sensitive devices. This type of damage
may reduce the life expectancy of the device. One way to minimize uncontrolled ESDs, and therefore reduce
this type of damage is by touching any exposed grounded part of the product (mainly metal parts) before
handling ESD sensitive devices (such as the printheads or ink cartridges). Additionally, to reduce the generation
of electrostatic charge in your body try to avoid working in a carpeted area, and keep your body movements to a
minimum when handling ESD sensitive devices. Also, avoid working in low humidity environments.
A popular computer networking technology for local area networks.
Software that controls your printer's functionality and is stored semi-permanently in the printer (it can be
The range of colors and density values reproducible on an output device, such as a printer or monitor.
Hewlett-Packard Raster Transfer Language: a language defined by HP to describe raster (bitmap) graphics.
ENWW Glossary 187