
Basic Configuration Tasks
Session Logging and Monitoring
Chapter 3 49
Search Parameters
You can filter what dates and times to retrieve from the logfile.
NOTE You can filter what data to retrieve according to the type of messages. For
each message type, you indicate whether the message type should or
should not be retrieved by selecting the Yes or No radio buttons. Refer to
the HP-UX AAA Server Administration and Authentication Guide for
more information.
Table 3-1 Filter Parameters for Searching Logfiles
Option Description
Begin (server time) The date and time of the session to begin retrieving data from.
End (server time) The date and time of the last session to retrieve data from.
User Limits the result of the search command to messages related to a
specific user. For example, you may wish to find why a user is not
able to authenticate.
Number of Messages Limits the result of the search command to the specified number of