
Glossary of Terms
Chapter 456
Microsoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP)
An implementation of the CHAP protocol that
Microsoft created to authenticate remote Windows
workstations. In most respects, MS-CHAP is identical
to CHAP, but there are a few differences. MS-CHAP is
based on the encryption and hashing algorithms used
by Windows networks, and the MS-CHAP response to a
challenge is in a format optimized for compatibility
with Windows operating systems.
See Network Access Server.
Navigation Tree
Refers to the navigation links on the left side of the
Server Manager GUI.
Network Access Server
A device that interfaces telephony circuits to the
network, abbreviated as NAS.
See Password Authentication Protocol.
Password Authentication Protocol
A simple password protocol that transmits a user name
and password across the network, unencrypted,
abbreviated as PAP.
Point-to-Point Protocol
The standard protocol for dial-up networking. The
family of standards covers many aspects including
authentication, encryption, compression, addressing,
multi-protocols, etc., abbreviated as PPP.
A very broadly used term. To the AAA server, it means
the conditionally applicable set of attribute-value pairs
that an AAA protocol, such as RADIUS, may support.
HP-UX SERVER policies are simple or complex