cat /proc/cmdline
5. If hda=ide-scsi (or similar) does not appear, you did not update the configuration file correctly.
Start over with step 1 above.
6. Verify that your system detects the tape device, using the following command:
cat /proc/scsi/scsi
Libraries missing from Linux distribution
the X Window System version of Data Protector Express . It gives me the following
error while loading shared libraries libstdc++.so.5
Cause: Either
the libstdc++ library is missing from your version of Linux distribution or the wrong version
of the library
is installed.
Solu tion: Install the missing library.
1. Identify the required version of the library:
a. Navigate to the Data Protector Express directory in a terminal window. The default directory
is /usr/loca
b. Type lld dpadmin.bin from the command prompt and press Enter. A list of libraries
required for Data Protector Express appears.
The name of th
e missing libstdc++ library will be similar to libstdc++.so.5.
2. Contact y ou
r Linux distributor for the missing library.
If you are using RedHat Linux EL 4, you can use an RPM package called " compat-libstdc++.rpm"
to install t
he necessary library.
3. Install the library according to the documentation provided by your distributor.
4. Try to launch the X Window System version of Data Protector Express. It should work properly.
Installation Guide