B efore you begin
Intended audience
This guide is intended for new a nd experienced users of Data Protector E xpress and Data Protector
Express Basic. For new users, chapter 1 introduces the concepts and architecture of Data Protector
Express and Chapter 2 demonstrates the process of completing the first backup job and first restore job.
Subsequent chapters explain the more advanced features of Data Protector Express.
This guide de
scribes the features of D ata Protector Express. Data Protector Express Basic is a reduced
feature edit
ion of Data Protector Express. Not all of the features described in this guide are available in
Data Protector Express Basic.
Data Protector Express Basic can be upgraded to D ata Protector Express with the purchase of the
appropriate license key from your HP partner.
Related documentation
The /doc director y on the Data Protector Express CD-ROM contains the following printable
• A Short Guide to Successful Tape Backup
• ESD and Webware License Mangement Guide
To view or print this documentation, Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4.0 or higher) must be installed on
your Windows or X Window (Linux) computer. If not currently installed, you can install it from the Adobe
Acrobat Reader website at h
You can find these documents from the Storage Software page of the HP Business Support Center website:
ttp://www.hp.com/s upport /manuals
Document conventions and symbols
Blue text: Document conventions and symbols Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Blue, underlined text: http://www.website.com
Website addresses
Bold text
• Keys that are pressed
• Text typed into a GUI element, such as a box
• GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as
menu and list items, buttons, tabs, and check boxes
Before you begin