
Hardware Release Notes
6.9 ATI RADEON 7000 Graphics (Integrity servers Only)
6.9.2 Hardware Accelerated 3D Graphics Not Supported on RADEON 7000
Hardware accelerated 3D (OpenGL) rendering is not supported on the embedded
Radeon 7000 PCI adapter.
6.10 ATI RADEON 7500 Graphics
The following notes describe resource requirements, enhancements, xes, and a
few restrictions for ATI RADEON 7500 graphics. If you want to consult the HP
DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS documentation set, in particular Managing
DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems, you can link to this document and
others from the following website:
Note that starting with OpenVMS Version 8.2, the license to use 3D support is
included as part of the OpenVMS license. For details, refer to Section 6.15.
6.10.1 Resource Requirements
Support for RADEON graphics requires the following system-wide resources:
2 global sections
296 KB of global memory
In addition, each RADEON card requires the following:
3 global sections
16 MB plus 1 page of global memory
16 MB plus 1 page of buffer object space (32-bit System Space Windows)
The global sections are charged against the GBLSECTIONS system resource, and
the 16+ megabytes of global memory are charged against the GBLPAGES and
GBLPAGFIL resources.
For example, a single RADEON card requires the following:
5 global sections
16MB+8KB+296KBglobal memory
These numbers equate to the following values:
GBLPAGES 33376 (GBLPAGES is in units of 512-byte pagelets.)
GBLPAGFIL 2086 (GBLPAGFIL is in units of 8192-byte Alpha pages.)
A 4-card conguration requires the following:
14 global sections
296 KB + 4*16 MB + 4*8 KB = 64 MB + 328 KB global memory
These numbers equate to the following values:
GBLPAGES 131728 (GBLPAGES is in units of 512-byte pagelets.)
Hardware Release Notes 6–9