
70 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP128: Site Preparation Guide
OS Operating system.
PA Physical address.
parity group A parity group is a disk configuration in which multiple disks work
together to provide redundancy. Synonymous with “array group.”
partition Dividing a specific physical disk into two or more areas as if there are two
or more physical disks.
path Paths are created by associating a port, a target, and a LUN ID with one or
more LDEVs.
PCI Power control interface or peripheral component interconnect.
port A physical connection that allows data to pass between a host and the disk
array. The number of ports on an XP disk array depends on the number of
supported I/O slots and the number of ports available per I/O adapter. The
XP family of disk arrays supports Fibre Channel (FC) ports as well as other
port types. Ports are named by port group and port letter, such as CL1-A.
CL1 is the group, and A is the port letter.
P-P Point-to-point.
PS Power supply.
RS Russellstoll
, a brand of electrical plugs and receptacles manufactured by
Thomas & Betts Corporation.
RAID Redundant array of independent disks.
RAID group See “array group.”
RAID level A RAID Level is one of the ways that disk drives are grouped together to
improve performance, data availability/reliability or both. RAID levels are
defined from RAID0 to RAID6. HP StorageWorks Disk Arrays in the XP
product family support RAID1, RAID5 and RAID6. Not all of these RAID
levels are supported by all XP family members. Consult the owner's guide
or your HP representative for the details of which RAID levels are
supported by your specific XP disk array.
RAM Random access memory.