
Glossary 71
RM HP StorageWorks RAID Manager XP, a command line interface for
managing XP arrays.
R-SIM Remote service information message.
R/W, r/w Read/write.
script file A file containing a shell script.
SCSI Small computer system interface.
shell script A command sequence executed by a UNIX shell.
sidefile An area of cache used to store the data sequence number, record location,
record length, and queued control information.
SIM Service information message.
SMI-S Storage Management Initiative Specification.
SMS System managed storage.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol.
SSID Storage subsystem identification.
STC HP Storage Technology Center.
SVP Service processor, which is the PC built into the disk controller. The SVP
provides a direct interface into the disk array. SVP use is reserved for HP
support representatives only.
TB Terabyte.
TCP/IP Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol
TID Target ID.
VSC Volume size customization. Synonymous with CVS.
VOLID Volume ID.
volume Synonymous with LDEV.