Table 27 Structure and Identifier of Parameters (UnitePathGroup Tag)
This layer is required.Information about the path
group to which you want to
move an external volume.
NoneThe first layer
Specifies one row for each
alternate path group.
External volumes in two or
more path groups can be
moved to one path group by
specifying two or more path
Information about the path
group that you want to
+,The second layer
Table 28 (page 117) shows the parameters that can be set for the UnitePathGroup tag.
Table 28 UnitePathGroup Tag Parameters
Number of
Range of ValuesSettingParameterColumn in
Information about the path group to which you want to move
an external volume.
The first layer
5 decimal digits or
0 to 63231Path group
Information about the path group that you want to change.The second layer
5 decimal digits or
0 to 63231Path group
Example of a Spreadsheet
This section shows an example of a spreadsheet that can be used for mapping an external volume
in the following configuration:
• An external volume is configured as follows:
Map the volume to which 0001 is configured as a LUN that can be discovered through
the primary path.
◦ Use 1 for a path group number.
◦ Configure E16384-4095 for an external volume group (ExG).
• Two cross-subsystem paths are configured as follows:
The primary path
Port number on the local storage system: 1A
WWN on the external storage system: 60060E8004F81370
◦ The alternate path
Port number on the local storage system: 1B
WWN on the external storage system: 60060E8004F81371
• Attributes of an external volume are configured as follows:
Emulation type: OPEN-V◦
◦ Cache mode: Enable
Example of a Spreadsheet 117