7 Remote Command Devices
This chapter describes how to use remote command devices as command devices.
• “Overview of Remote Command Devices” (page 119)
• “Guidelines for Remote Command Devices” (page 120)
• “Mapping a Command Device as a Remote Command Device” (page 122)
• “Using XP Continuous Access or XP Continuous Access Journal with Remote Command Device”
(page 122)
Overview of Remote Command Devices
A remote command device is a device in the local storage system to which a command device in
the external storage system is mapped.
As you send the RAID Manager commands to the remote command device, you can enter these
RAID Manager commands to the command device of the external storage system to operate the
RAID Manager in the external storage system.
Figure 41 (page 119) shows an example. The OPEN host that is connected to the local storage
system sends the RAID Manager commands of XP Business Copy or XP Continuous Access to the
remote command device, and this means that the commands are entered to the command device
in the external storage system to operate the XP Business Copy pair or the XP Continuous Access
pair in the external storage system.
For detailed information about RAID Manager and the command device, see the HP StorageWorks
XP RAID Manager User Guide.
Figure 41 Outline of Remote Command Device
Overview of Remote Command Devices 119