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(3) RISM function
If the end point of the above operation is near the center of the image, the red line is changed
to a yellow line and the end point is positioned at the center of the image. When the left mouse
button is released, the stage is driven so that the image at the start point moves to the center
of the viewing screen with help of the electrical image shift.
Alternately, simply clicking the left button starts the same motion.
NOTE: The RISM (Rapid Image Shift Mode) function moves a point of interest to the center of the
viewing screen. The stage motion and electrical image shift are combined for better
positioning accuracy. When the distance from the point of interest to the center of the
image display is within a range of the electrical image shift, beam shift is used and the
stage is not driven. RISM function is useful for going to higher magnification without losing
the field of interest once selected.
At high magnification where the stage accuracy is not sufficient, the RISM motion
sometimes causes positioning error.
(4) Electrical image shift
The Electrical Image Shift function moves the scanning image electrically. It is useful at high
magnifications where mechanical stage motion is not very accurate. The range of shift is
limited to ±12 µm at a working distance of 8 mm and smaller for shorter working distance.
To move image with electrical Image Shift, use just same operation as above (2) but using
right button instead of left button. When you press right button, the mouse pointer will change
to Beam mark
. Move the mouse to an end point holding down the right button (a red line
is drawn), and release it.
Image shift knobs on the manual operation panel are also available. The knobs are easier to